Monday, January 4, 2010

Weekend breakfast conversation

Egg: "So, it's already after 9. What do you feel like doing today? I'm thinking yardwork, bit of shopping, perhaps take in a movie. Let's go, go, go!"

Cup of coffee: "Easy there, speedy gonzalez. I'd like to enjoy my Saturday morning a bit longer. Besides, the caffeine hasn't really hit me yet."

Egg: (sigh)

Egg: "Well, I'm going to shower. I have a feeling this is going to be a great day and I want to get started on it."

Coffee: (rolls eyes) "Take your time, please!"

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Tomato: "I knew it. I knew you would come back transformed from your 'business trip'."

Egg: (silent)

Tomato: "So this is the new you, is it?"

Egg: (silent)

Tomato: "You think you're so smart. Be that way, then! Two can play at this game. You'll see."

Drowning in ourselves

Foot: "How did we find ourselves here? I never thought I'd say it, but I AM STRUGGLING in this relationship."

Hand: (rouses self from trancelike stare) "The way out is clear. Just take a deep breath and put one foot in front of the other."

Foot:"I used to admire it, but you're optimism is a facade. I've had it with this. Get out of my way, before I trample you."